Thursday, March 7, 2013

Korean Entertainment News 03/2013: Park Si-hoo

Korean actor Park Si-hoo, who is well known as Cha Seung-jo in drama Chungdamdong Alice, is having hard time with the rape suspicion charged against him. The police has been on investigation from 2 weeks ago but any conclusive result didn't come out yet. However, news about him is covering Korean Internet portals day by day, and today as well.

I picked one of the most clicked news on Naver(most popular Korean portal site) to introduce you an abstract of the article and some replies on it. I hope you know how Koreans think about this issue.

Park Si-hoo denied submitting cellphone... the accuser submitted - Yonhap News, 2013-03-07 04:51

The police asked to the accuser and the accused to submit their cell phones for the case of Park' Si-hoo's rape suspicion, but he denied sending his phone while the accuser presents hers.
His counsel said "Park is a celebrity. (For his privacy)We don't have any plan to send it. yet"
"Text or Kakao Talk message can be partially or fully recovered as it leaves the trace." The person concerned to the cyber terror department of the police said. "If we could gather those two phones, the possibility of recovery will increases more."

Replies -

hsch**** 1133/40 ( positive/negative )
Report it when it made a conclusion. Tired of it.
다 사건 해결된 다음에 기사내라. 피곤하다.

blue**** 853/23
Until the judgement, seems at least 1 year goes more and whatever the result Park will be too old to restart, and A(accuser)'s debut has gone away... No one is the winner...
판결 나려면 최소 1년이상은 걸릴거 같은데 재판결과가 어떻게 나오든 박시후는 재기하기에 나이가 너무 많고 A양도 연예계 진출은 날라가 버렸고... 결국은 승자는 없는 게임...

54dc**** 531/49
Are these trivia for the public's right to know? Don't be noisy :( report it when ends
이런 시시콜콜 한것도 국민의 알 권리냐?그만 떠들어대라 ㅡㅡ수사 종결나면 기사 올려

7211**** 380/17
One thing I couldn't get is, there is a clear witness, K, who introduced, drunk with and spent night together... ask him to solve it, why can't they and doing bullshit
난 이해가안되는게 가장중요한 증인있잔아.후배K! !K가 소개두해주구 같이술마시구 같이밤새구...얘까보면 다나오는데 그걸 왜못하구 날마다 ㅈㄹ이세요.

gkxm**** 548/208
This article is assaulting Park,.. the thing reporter wanted to say is A is following the order of the police but Park and K are not because they are stinky, isn't it? feel like everything is driving him to the corner.
기사자체가 박시후까고있네 뭘..기자가 하고픈말은 A양은 경찰이 시키는대로 고분고분 다하는데 박시후랑 후배는 뭐가 구린건지 제출안했다고 그러는거잖아? 이러니까 모든게 박시후만 궁지로 몰아가는 느낌이 든다

wh04**** 416/108
Wonder the rumors about A. Hostess? really... shes 22 why :'( money makes the world go crazy
A양의루머들이사실인지거궁금하네요 룸사롱텐프로?진짜일지..22살에왜ㅠㅠ돈에미쳐가는세상...

didr**** 305/20
Just use the lie detector!! why drag like this
걍 거짓말탐지긴지 뭔지나 빨랑해~!! 왜케 질질끌어

line**** 411/136
By the way, while the investigation, is Park' privacy protected? The police seems not able to answer on this question. Whether he is a celebrity or not, this kind of privacy invasion is wrong. He could be innocent...
근데 지금까지 조사과정에서 박시후의 기본적인 사생활이 지켜졌는가? 라는 질문에 경찰이 제대로 대답할 수 있나 싶다. 박시후가 꼭 연예인이 아니더라도 이런 식으로 사생활을 침해시키는 건 옳지 못하다고 본다. 무죄일 수도 있는건데...

dalk**** 349/122
The reason delaying of investigation is because of the lawyer and the last agency
경찰조사를 미룰이유는 변호사와 전소속사 때문이라고 합니다

cvfy* 223/74
They did it in the room what are you talking about? K was in another room... if they did threesome Park could meet her with K but they tell the number to her? Telling the number means its not a rape or threesome. The Western Police Station seem to be only listening to the woman's saying. When are you investigating the counterclaim?
방안에서 했는데 뭔 소리냐? 후배는 다른 방에 있었는데....쓰리섬했으면 후배 통해서 계속 만나면 되는데 왜 전번 교환을 했겠냐? 전번 교환했다는 자체가 성폭행도 아니고 쓰리섬도 아니라는 거지. 서부는 여자쪽 말만 믿고 여자쪽이 제기한 의혹에만 귀를 기울이고 있는 듯하다. 맞고소 조사 언제 할래?

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