Monday, March 4, 2013

Have you ever eaten Korean strawberries?

Have you ever eaten the Korean strawberry? Strawberry("딸기[ddal-gi]" in Korean) is one of the most delicious fruits that can be tasted in Korea! It is the mainly season of strawberry from January to May! Strawberry is very popular in South Korea because its flavor is very sweet and rich. So, I can say “Every Koreans love Strawberry :)” No doubt!
You can enjoy Korean strawberry even through cakes, pie and jam! But, it is better taste a strawberry to eat as it is just wash with running water. You can buy fresh strawberry for KRW 10,000 ($10) to 1 kg on any market or super market! Tips for selecting good strawberries are as follows: The stem shouldn't be dark or dry, choose the strawberries which are whole ripe red colored!
If you have a plan to visit Korea from January to May, please come to enjoy the delicious strawberries!

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